The first chapter is what I would like to highlight today. It's called "The Power of One Hour." Here are a few quotes and then I will give my retrospection on the subject:
- "When you focus for a set amount of time, this difference elevates into becoming an impact. When discipline joins focus, you can change your world..."
- "I cannot expect to change 'the world' until I let God have more than ample opportunity to 'change my world by changing me first.'"
- "As your walk with God goes, so goes the rest of your life."
- "If you want to see what God will do through you, it all begins with what God is doing in you."
- "If you give yourself to doing anything for one hour a day consistently, you have the potential to become an expert. You have the potential to become proficient in something that you may know little about today."
How true it is though that one hour of focused tenacity can make a big difference. Why do we let ourselves get so distracted by the menial things of life. The things we really want and desire get put to the side, because they actually take a little work. In this microwave world of "now mentalities," if something takes much time and effort we abhor it. For instance, I would like to become a better musician, but it seems I can spend a maximum of 30 minutes playing before I feel I need to be doing something else, even then it's probably only once a week.
Therefore, with all that is in me, I am going to strive to spend a focused hour daily this new year on things I truly want to accomplish. Here's my list:
- My relationship with my Creator and Lord Jesus Christ.
- My relationship with my family.
- Being a better youth pastor.
- Becoming proficient in playing the guitar and bass.
- Getting into shape. (Of course I can't leave this one out!)