Wednesday, April 2, 2008

How To Be Wise (Part 2)

The chapter again contrasts the ways of the wise with the ways of the wicked. The first few verses speak of a father teaching his son. He says things like, "receive my sayings, treasure my commandments, turn your ear, incline your heart, call out, lift your voice, seek, search." All of these seem to be a progressive process to me. It goes from receiving instruction and wisdom from the father to discovering truth for himself.
Verse 5 brings the promise of what will happen when we do these things. We "will discern the fear of the Lord, and discover the knowledge of God.." The rest of the chapter goes on to tell us what wisdom will guard, deliver and protect us from.

Lord, help me to be desperate for you in such a way that nothing else will satisfy. Help me to incline my heart, to call out and search for you with everything that I am. I desire wisdom to discern what roads to take in life. Guard me and protect me from evil things. I love You, Lord.

1 comment:

Matt and Ricky said...

Wisdom is a progressive process. Look in Mark 8:13-21. Jesus had just fed 5000 and 4000 people and they still didn't realize exactly who He was. In verses 27-30, we finally see their vision become clear when Peter says,"You are the Messiah." I've really enjoyed reading your blog...keep it up.