Monday, April 7, 2008

How To Be Wise (Part 6)

Chapter 6 has much to add to my previous ponderings on chapter 5. I encourage you to read through verses 20-35 and let them really sink in. However, what I wish to reflect on in this chapter comes from the first 11 verses. Proverbs has a lot of wise teachings about financial matters. Even someone who does not believe in God would do well to follow the advice of the financial model laid out in this book of wisdom. These verses are the first of many on the subject.

Verses 1-5 implores us to stay away from debt. In a society where a very large percentage of people, including Christian people, are in debt up to their eyeballs, these words are relevant, if not critical, to our futures. How many people fall prey to the "I want it now" mentality? We want the latest and greatest in an atmosphere where keeping up with the Jones' reigns supreme. With this microwave mentality, we're willing to become slaves to creditors in order to get what we want. Yet, what are the results? The things that we think we can't live without are soon faded into antiquity and we're left struggling with overwhelming mounds of debt resulting in fear and regret. It then effects everything you do.

Verse 6-10 contrasts the previous verses by considering the wisdom of working hard and saving for the future. What a concept! It seems simple, but how many of us put it into practice? I have to ask myself, "What would I be able to do if I had no debt? How much more would I be able to give to help those in need? In what areas could I sacrifice now to make sure my children's children are successful and free from worry of financial matters?" These are the real questions we all need to be asking ourselves.

May you consider for yourselves the wisdom in living a debt free life.

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