Friday, April 4, 2008

How To Be Wise (Part 4)

Have you ever known someone that knew everything there was to know but was dumber than an door? There are a lot of people who can spout out so much information on so many different topics, but when it comes to actually living life, they are clueless. I think that's what verse 5 talks about when it says, "Acquire wisdom; and with all your acquiring, get understanding." We can have all the knowledge in the world, but if we aren't able to apply it to how we live and react with other people, what good is it?

Verse 14 and 15 is where a lot of people mess up. It urges, "Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evil men. Avoid it, do not travel on it; turn from it and go on your way." Nevertheless, instead of avoiding and turning away, many take chances with it trying to get as close as they can without slipping in all together. The truth is, however, the closer we get, the easier it is to be trapped by it. Later scriptures tell us to run from it and stay as far away as you can. What the enemy, the devil, tries to get us to believe is the same as he did with Eve in the very beginning. He entices us by trying to get us to believe we're missing out on something. But, God knows that the path leads to destruction and harm. That's why he tells us to stay as far away as possible. He's looking out for us. (refer to Part 3)

Finally, verse 23, another great one to memorize, declares, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." Whatever you let in to your heart is what is going to eventually come out. If you put in good things, good comes out. Likewise, if you put in bad things, bad comes out. It sounds simple I know, but do we put it into practice. Ask yourself:
What kind of music am I listening to?
What am I watching on TV?
What kind of relationships do I have?
What sites am I going to on the Internet?
Are these things helping you develop into the person God created you to be or are they, at the very least, distracting you from your purpose, if not leading you down the wrong path?

I try to ask these things of myself on a regular basis. Because, if I'm not careful, as I travel this journey through life, I let things slip in that get me closer and closer to the wrong path. It's a daily walk, a daily choice, that we make to live for or against God. I for one, do not want to be against God who loves me and has my best interest at heart.

Have a great weekend!

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